laptop leaning against stack of books with scientific equations in the background

If you’re looking for help in any subject, there are tons of YouTube creators who make entertaining educational math & science videos. From working through an algebraic equation to exploring human evolution, there’s at least one excellent video explaining what you want to know.

Whether you get stuck on a problem as you’re doing homework or just want to learn more about a concept, these educational YouTube channels are great ways to learn about math and science.

Educational YouTube Channels about STEM Topics

Watching educational STEM videos in your free time helps you improve your knowledge of math and science in an entertaining way! These science and math YouTube channels, covering a wide breadth of knowledge, are a great place to start. 

While some of these channels focus on STEM, others cover a wide variety of subjects, but each of them creates entertaining videos from which you’ll learn a ton.

Crash Course

You have probably been shown a Crash Course video or two in lieu of a lecture or reading assignment in some of your classes, or maybe you’ve even used Crash Course for your own independent learning—and it’s no surprise why. Possibly one of the most popular educational YouTube channels, Crash Course was created by John and Hank Green—two science-inclined writers who are also known as the “vlogbrothers” on YouTube. 

Crash Course utilizes both charismatic lecturers and animation in their cleanly-produced videos.

This channel started with a series of videos on Biology in 2012, and it’s now grown to have dozens of video series on various topics, from world mythology to business entrepreneurship to organic chemistry. Among those topics, Crash Course features several video series on STEM subjects, including math and especially science. Here are some of the many Crash Course playlists on these subjects: 

MIT OpenCourseWare

Have you ever been curious about the way a college professor would teach a particular topic? Do you want to take a peek into higher level learning to learn about a unique topic or solidify your knowledge of a subject you’re taking now? MIT OpenCourseWare is an MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) initiative to publish all of their undergraduate & graduate learning materials freely online. This publication of open educational resources allows anyone to learn from MIT professors and researchers, including material from thousands of MIT courses.

MIT OpenCourseWare’s YouTube channel lets you tune into the recording of any lecture from all kinds of courses offered at the institution. If you want extra help with Biology, you can take notes of the MIT 7.013 Introductory Biology course from Fall 2018; or, maybe you know you’ll have to take Linear Algebra in college and want to get ahead with the help of Professor Gilbert Strang’s “A Vision of Linear Algebra” course. While MIT OpenCourseWare’s collection is made up of challenging lectures, it’s a great way to get exposure to high-level science learning.

Science YouTube Videos

Video lessons are a great way to learn about science topics, since you can get a visual demonstration as part of the lesson! These educational YouTube channels have excellent science videos for both learning the subjects you’re taking today and exploring other scientific topics about our universe.

Science Learning

These channels make videos that pair well with the science classes you’re currently taking! If you have a homework assignment or upcoming test in one of these subjects, use their videos as part of your study materials.

Nat Geo Kids

National Geographic is probably the most popular publication of nature, science, and history content, and Nat Geo Kids is their YouTube channel for younger learners! This channel largely focuses on animals and nature, but it also includes videos about space, podcasts about historical topics, and even just animal clip compilations if you want a break while you’re learning. 


Many consider MinutePhysics to have the best physics YouTube videos, pairing perfectly with physics units in middle school science and high school Physics courses. Their animation style—drawing simple stick figures—conveys complex phenomena in physics with simplicity, making those ideas easier to understand. From videos about physical chemistry to astrophysics, MinutePhysics has it all.


If the lessons and labs in your chemistry class aren’t painting the full picture, watch some videos from NileRed, a super-popular science YouTube channel known for documenting unique chemistry experiments. Creator Nigel Braun conducts massive DIY experiments that can help you see how what you learn in class applies to real-life situations. From “Turning styrofoam into cinnamon candy” to “Extracting caffeine from coffee”, NileRed’s videos are in-depth explanations of out-of-the-box experiments that look like alchemy! 

Science Exploration

While the channels above each focuses on a particular field of science, these channels cover a wider variety of topics. If you want to expand your general science knowledge and explore new topics, peruse the uploads from the creators below!


From the non-profit behind the famous TED talks comes the TED-Ed YouTube channel. TED-Ed videos are award-winning animated shorts covering all kinds of science and history topics, across subjects like biology/anatomy (“How does kidney transplant surgery work?”) and psychology (“What staying up all night does to your brain”). Each lesson is created by a subject matter expert, paired with fun animations that do an excellent job illustrating complex topics.

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

A science-loving animation team is behind the beloved YouTube channel Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell. Their videos are known for their funky, colorful illustration style and compelling deep-dives into niche topics. Kurzgesagt (German for “in short”) is the perfect go-to science YouTube channel when you have 15 spare minutes to learn!


Like the educational YouTube channels above, Veritasium covers various compelling topics in science and history. If you’re interested in space, their video on how “We Might Find Alien Life In 2229 Days” covers the cutting-edge space exploration happening today. Alternatively, if you’re a biology aficionado, their look at “The Science Behind Dogs’ Incredible Sense Of Smell” may pique your interest!


The man behind the SmarterEveryDay YouTube channel, Dustin, makes videos about how he explores the world using science. This channel is a great resource if you want inspiration for your own research, or if you’re just interested in taking inside looks at the way our world works. For example, their newest video is an exploration of the world’s first nuclear power plant, diving into how exactly nuclear power works.

YouTube Channels About Mathematics

Behind these youtube channels are educators and math enthusiasts with a knack at helping people learn math!

Math Learning for Students

These channels do great work explaining math topics and working through problems. They’re perfect when you want video help with your studying, whether you need help solving a particular question set or want to review a concept you’re struggling with.

Math & Learning Videos 4 Kids

With the use of 3D animation to illustrate ideas, the goal of Math & Learning Videos 4 Kids is to provide K-6th students an engaging way to learn fundamental math concepts. While the animation style isn’t as refined as in other channels on this list, its simplicity allows for straightforward demonstrations of math concepts. Whether you’re a 1st grader learning about measurement or a 6th grader struggling with order of operations, this channel of nearly 200 math videos for kids will help you practice and even get ahead.

The Magic of Math

Behind this next educational YouTube channel is a longtime mathematics educator and instructional mathematics coach with a talent for helping students meaningfully learn and understand math topics. The Magic of Math has a library of nearly 1,000 instructional math videos for middle schoolers, from 5th grade math through Algebra 1. These videos are perfect for students who need a refresher on a topic or teachers looking for materials to add to their lesson plans.


In lecture-style videos that demonstrate the process of solving problems, MathTV is a great resource for high schoolers in need of math help. This creator is known for showing how to work out math problems-–but MathTV’s library of math videos spans from middle school math topics through advanced mathematics. Whether you need homework help or want to get a better understanding of a new concept, this channel is a handy resource. 

Math Exploration

Improving your general familiarity with math is a great way to become interested in the subject and help you find new concepts more approachable. These final four educational YouTube channels explore interesting topics in mathematics and how they relate to the world around us!

PBS Infinite Series

PBS, the Public Broadcasting Service, is one of the most prolific creators of educational content, from television shows for children to limited series. One of the most popular YouTube channels produced by PBS is PBS Infinite Series, in which physicist Gabe Perez-Giz and mathematicians Tai-Danae Bradley and Kelsey Houston-Edwards describe complex mathematical problems and queries and how they are important in our world. 

Unfortunately, this channel officially ceased its production six years ago, but its collection of videos are a fascinating treasure trove of math exploration.

Michael Penn

Michael Penn on YouTube primarily makes chalkboard problem-solving videos like some of the creators above. What sets this college professor apart, however, is the interesting subject matter behind his videos on math theory, history, and problem-solving. From how “topology can make distance weird” to “how 1+1-1+1+⋯=½”, Professor Penn’s channel is an excellent resource for students interested in high level math who want to see the concepts they’re learning in a new light.


If you’re a visual learner in the mood for educational YouTube videos about math, you’re in luck with 3Blue1Brown! Their teaching style is as full of creativity and energy as their animations, which do an amazing job explaining complex topics with simple visuals across subjects like geometry and the intersection between math & physics. Whether you’re just learning a new concept or you’ve had homework assignments about it for a while, watching a video about it from 3Blue1Brown is sure to broaden your perspective.


Not a math superfan like the viewers of the creators above? If you still want some interesting content to boost your math learning, Numberphile is the channel for you! This fun math YouTube channel has tons of videos on interesting topics in math that you don’t need to know a ton of math to understand. From puzzling out Pentominoes to a look at The Change from Roman Numerals, you can explore a ton of math concepts with their videos.

Piqosity’s K-12 Math Video Lessons

The educational YouTube channels above are wonderful resources when you either need to find specific help on a topic or you just want to integrate math & science education into your free time. If you’re looking for more school-oriented courses that stick to grade school mathematics, Piqosity has you covered!

From the ISEE review lessons on our YouTube to the intuitive video (and written) lessons in our app, Piqosity’s team of educators is dedicated to making learning content that is truly effective. Not only do we offer test prep courses for the ISEE, SAT, and ACT, we also have full-length English and Math courses for grades 5 through 11.

Each course includes detailed topic lessons, hundreds of questions, and full-length practice tests, together with personalized practice software that identifies your weaknesses and helps you study effectively. 

The best part? You can try out all of Piqosity’s features with our free community account. When you’re ready to upgrade, Piqosity’s year-long accounts start at only $89.