Free Christmas Reading Activities & Writing Activities

Looking for free Christmas reading activities? Whether you would like to read out loud to your students or test their knowledge with writing prompts or passage questions, Piqosity has compiled several free Christmas reading activities that you can easily incorporate into your classroom. We’ve also placed a special present under [...]

By |2022-01-25T10:50:15-06:00December 1st, 2021|English, Holidays, Teachers & Tutors|

Reducing Foreign Language Anxiety for Test Taking

If you are receiving classroom instruction in a language that is not your native tongue, you may sometimes experience foreign language anxiety. Like other forms of anxiety in general, foreign language anxiety stems from feelings of uneasiness and self-doubt, and, unsurprisingly, it’s easy to fall into a state of anxiousness when you’re surrounded by a [...]

Piqosity’s English Course Navigation Guide

Congratulations! You’ve registered with Piqosity and are well on your way to making the most of your 5th grade, 8th grade, or 11th grade ELA course!  Below is a step-by-step guide on navigating Piqosity’s ELA courses that includes both visual aids and instructions for how to use our features. In it, you will learn [...]

Free Halloween Reading Activities & English Activities

Halloween reading activities give your middle and high school students the chance to work on English and Reading skills in a fun and engaging way. They can also introduce students to literary genres with which they may not already be familiar.  The following free Halloween reading activities — including Halloween worksheets, composing two-sentence horror [...]

By |2022-10-24T13:57:13-05:00October 19th, 2021|English, Holidays, Teachers & Tutors|
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