About Shelby Joe

Shelby Joe 周 is the Founder of Piqosity. He has more than 20 years of experience in education as an entrepreneur, professor, and tutor. Shelby earned his BA in Political Science from Rice University. Born and raised in Mississippi, he now resides in Houston but has also lived in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hamburg.

Passage Based Questions Have Arrived

Kannan has been burning the midnight oil and the fruits of his labor are impressive. As of today, we now have the ability to upload and administer assessments with passage-based questions (PBQ). These are everybody's favorite kind of question - usually there's a passage or some sort of data followed by several questions that refer [...]

By |2021-09-28T13:41:21-05:00March 2nd, 2016|Piqosity News|

Trump This – Week 3 Piqosity Question Count

As of now, there are 2,704 questions on Piqosity. As we prepare for a public go-live, our contributors are rushing to post the equivalent of 10 full-length practice tests in the ACT, SAT, and ISEE: Test Questions/ 1 Test 10 Tests On Piqosity Now % Goal ACT 215 2,150 125 6% SAT 154 1,540 523 [...]

By |2021-09-28T13:41:28-05:00February 25th, 2016|Piqosity News|

Learning Math with Real World Problems, Vacuum Edition

Hello Piqosity-goers (Piqos?), while not uploading questions, I've spent the last couple of days applying to various incubators and grant programs. One of the programs Piqosity is applying to asks whether we can teach math using real world problems. Yes,  yes, we can. I realized that I spend an inordinate amount of time researching any [...]

By |2021-09-28T13:41:43-05:00February 24th, 2016|Learning Tips, Math|

Question Count on Piqosity Update 2

As of now, there are 2,307 questions on Piqosity. As we prepare for a public go-live, our contributors are rushing to post the equivalent of 10 full-length practice tests in the ACT, SAT, and ISEE: Test Questions/ 1 Test 10 Tests On Piqosity Now % Goal ACT 215 2,150 125 6% SAT 154 1,540 418 [...]

By |2021-09-28T13:41:53-05:00February 18th, 2016|Piqosity News|

Video & Screenshot Overview of Piqosity

Piqosity gets more useful everyday. As we race to upload content for the ACT, SAT, and ISEE, we're developing the back-end more than worrying about attracting new, previously-unknown users off the Internet. However, for those of you who are willing to brave our construction progress, this demonstration video is for you. In the four-minute video below [...]

By |2016-02-17T19:05:36-06:00February 17th, 2016|Piqosity News|

Word Problem Questions on the Upper Level ISEE

The entirety of the ISEE Mathematics Achievement test is comprised of word problems, and much of the Quantitative Reasoning section is as well. Given that the Mathematics Achievement Test is the longest test on the ISEE, and the Quantitative Reasoning test is generally considered the most challenging, it's a good idea to improve your [...]

By |2017-03-29T17:57:10-05:00February 17th, 2016|ISEE: Upper Level|

Answer Explanations to 2013 Previously Released ACT Math Test

ACT, Inc. is the non-profit organization that administers the ACT college admissions test. They are the only source for official, previously released exams. Practice tests from third-party publishers like Kaplan or McGraw-Hill are just approximations. Fortunately ACT makes freely available previously administered tests. This post addresses the 60 questions in the Math section from [...]

By |2021-09-28T13:42:23-05:00February 15th, 2016|ACT: Answer Explanations|

Question Count on Piqosity

As of now, there are 2,162 questions on Piqosity. As we prepare for a public go-live, our contributors are rushing to post the equivalent of 10 full-length practice tests in the ACT, SAT, and ISEE: Test Questions/ 1 Test 10 Tests On Piqosity Now % Goal ACT 215 2,150 125 6% SAT 154 1,540 323 [...]

By |2021-09-28T13:42:37-05:00February 11th, 2016|Piqosity News|

Answer Explanations to 2015 Previously Released ACT Math Test

ACT, Inc. is the non-profit organization that administers the ACT college admissions test. They are the only source for official, previously released exams. Practice tests from third-party publishers like Kaplan or McGraw-Hill are just approximations. Fortunately ACT makes freely available previously administered tests. This post addresses the 60 questions in the Math section from [...]

By |2021-09-28T13:42:50-05:00February 11th, 2016|ACT Test Prep|
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