About Shelby Joe

Shelby Joe 周 is the Founder of Piqosity. He has more than 20 years of experience in education as an entrepreneur, professor, and tutor. Shelby earned his BA in Political Science from Rice University. Born and raised in Mississippi, he now resides in Houston but has also lived in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hamburg.

Can You Take the ISEE on the Computer?

Many parents ask us whether or not their children can take the ISEE on the computer. The reasons vary from physical disabilities to a simple inability to bubble correctly. Yes, students can take the ISEE on the computer: Always when taking it at a Prometric office Sometimes when taking it at an ISEE approved hosting site [...]

By |2021-09-28T13:34:30-05:00August 23rd, 2016|ISEE Test Prep|

Printable SAT Practice Tests

Piqosity features more than 1,500 practice questions for the new SAT or the equivalent of 10 full-length practice tests. Questions are originals from our contributors but also official questions from previously released SATs and PSATs. It's free to join, and Piqosity will automatically determine a student's strengths and weaknesses. Educators can even monitor students' progress in [...]

By |2021-09-28T13:35:58-05:00August 9th, 2016|Piqosity News|

Free SAT and ACT Test Prep Programs for Schools: Using Piqosity

Regardless of your philosophical beliefs, SAT and ACT test scores are inarguably important for future undergrads and their high schools. For students, they need good test scores to get into desirable colleges and even better scores to earn valuable scholarships. For high schools, SAT and ACT test scores and college acceptances are often used by administrators [...]

By |2016-08-03T15:24:23-05:00August 3rd, 2016|Teachers & Tutors|

We Need Your Input

While Piqosity beta is completely free to use, we need your feedback to make it better. This questionnaire is only 10-questions and should take less than 2 minutes to complete. As a startup company validating our product, your input is invaluable. Loading...

By |2021-09-28T13:37:07-05:00August 2nd, 2016|Teachers & Tutors|

Automated E-Mail Notifications

We've implemented a series of automated e-mail notifications to improve your user experience. Here's what they are and also how to turn them off. For Students New user verification and welcome Notification that a question you flagged has been addressed - if you flag a question for editorial review, you'll automatically get an e-mail when [...]

By |2021-09-28T13:37:21-05:00July 18th, 2016|Piqosity News|

Educators, We Want You

Students have now worked more than 10,000 practice questions on Piqosity, largely in tandem with classroom and one-to-one test preparation classes and tutoring. We seek tutors, teachers, and schools to partner with us on deploying Piqosity in the fall. Remember that as a beta product, we don't want your money just your feedback. Below and [...]

By |2016-06-21T17:37:32-05:00June 21st, 2016|Teachers & Tutors|

How to Update Your Profile and View Leaderboard

Piqosity now offers a Leaderboard so that you can see how you compare to the top performing students in your selected course. To get there, just click on "Leaderboard" at the top of the screen when logged into your learner account. We ranked students by how many points they have earned. Students earn points based [...]

By |2021-09-28T13:37:50-05:00June 1st, 2016|Piqosity News|

How to Flag Broken Questions

Piqosity is an open platform meaning that technically anyone can contribute content including the test prep questions for our current focus areas of ACT, SAT, and Upper Level ISEE. While we don't expect contributors to maliciously upload bad content, there are bound to be typos or technical glitches such as wrong answer choices or an [...]

By |2021-09-28T13:38:00-05:00May 18th, 2016|Piqosity News|

6000 Practice Questions for SAT, ACT, and ISEE

Piqosity now freely offers more than 6,000 practice questions for the SAT, ACT, and the Upper Level ISEE. These questions are the equivalent of nearly 18 full-length Upper Level ISEEs, 10 full-length SATs, and 7 full-length ACTs. Questions are adaptive and individualized to each student's needs. Piqosity automatically identifies the user's strengths and weaknesses and [...]

By |2016-05-04T16:35:45-05:00May 4th, 2016|Piqosity News|
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