Student-Initiated Partner School Discounts

Would you like free access to Piqosity’s College Prep Advanced course for ACT and SAT test prep? Are you a high-achieving student who knows how to advocate for your future?

Thousands of students across the US are already enrolled at Piqosity Partner schools where they receive free or discounted access to our College Prep Advanced online test prep course for the ACT and SAT.

If you as a student are not attending a Piqosity Partner school, you can still reap big benefits by helping your school enroll:

  1. Completely free access to our College Prep Advanced course for ACT and PSAT + SAT provided by us
  2. Rebate up to 100% of the amount you previously paid (if applicable)




The process of helping your school to register as a Piqosity Partner is free, easy, and fast:

Verify Availability of Existing Discount

  1. Contact your school counselor or principal
  2. Ask if they already provide Piqosity to students or have access to a discount code
  3. If not, proceed to the next steps

Steps to Register Your School

  1. Ask an assistant principal or higher to schedule a 30-minute meeting with us through this link
  2. Fill out and submit the form below
  3. After your principal meets with us and confirms eligibility, we’ll activate your free course or refund the amount already paid

Enrollment Request Form


Parent & Student Information

School Information

Do at least 100 students attend your school across grades 9-12? *

School Administrator Information

Is the named administrator an Assistant Principal or higher? *
Has the named administrator agreed to meet with us? *

Friend Information

It's optional to share the love, but we will extend the same offer described above to up to four friends you list below:

  1. The friend must have already created a student account on Piqosity at the time of form submission
  2. The e-mail address must match their user account in Piqosity

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my school is already a partner or someone else started the process?2024-08-30T17:45:19-05:00

The first step you should take is ask your counselor or principal if they are already a Piqosity Partner school.

If your school is already a partner, then you will qualify for whatever discount they already negotiated using the code they provide you.

If your school is not yet a partner but already has a meeting scheduled, they’ll probably let you know. However, in the event that you talk to a different assistant principal and multiple students submit a request within the same, 24-hour period, we will honor this offer for up to five form-submitting students per school.

Please note that listed friends on the form may not receive free access in the event of multiple, near-simultaneous form submissions.

How long does this enrollment process take?2024-08-30T17:33:52-05:00

Your school’s completed enrollment and access to your free College Prep Advanced Course could easily be completed in less than one week. Here’s a sample timeline:

  1. You talk with your principal and get them to schedule a meeting (10 minutes)
  2. You submit the student-led enrollment form (2 minutes)
  3. Your principal schedules a meeting with us (usually less than 1 week)
  4. Your principal attends the meeting and confirms eligibility (30 minutes)
  5. We click some buttons and send you a thank you e-mail (15 minutes)

The potentially slowest part of the process is how far out your principal schedules the appointment. However, at your insistence, they’ll usually schedule the meeting within one week from when you ask them to do it.

However, if you’re afraid that your school could take longer, you could purchase your course now, and we’ll refund any amount paid after your school principal meets with us and confirms eligibility.

Do all schools qualify for this program?2024-08-30T16:53:25-05:00

No, your school must meet some minimum requirements to qualify as a Piqosity Partner:

  1. Be a high school enrolling grades 9-12 or a combined school including grades 9-12
  2. Enroll at least 100 students across grades 9-12 (total enrollment, not per grade)

It does not matter whether your school is private or public.

This offer is not available to homeschool students unless you are part of a larger association. If so, please have your homeschool association contact us directly.

What if I already made a purchase, can I still save?2024-08-29T17:50:31-05:00

Yes, any discounts obtained through your school are refundable up to 100% of the amount you already paid.

For example, if you pay $150 in September but your school secures a 20% discount in January, just let us know and we’ll process a refund to your original form of payment for $30.

I asked my school but they don’t want to take a meeting, what do I do?2024-08-30T16:22:47-05:00

Keep advocating. Your school administrators are busy people, so you have to help them understand how important improving your test scores is. We recommend that you:

  • Emphasize that meeting with us costs them no money
  • Get multiple classmates to ask
  • Get your parent or guardian to ask on your behalf

Also, just consider asking a different administrator!

Will my school be annoyed that I asked about getting Piqosity?2024-08-29T17:42:27-05:00

No, your principals and counselors will not be upset with you for asking for access to Piqosity. They want you to be college and career ready because:

  1. They’re probably good people, and
  2. Their continued employment and salary depends on your readiness.

Furthermore, they will be impressed that you’re advocating for yourself and actively trying to improve your test scores.

What if my school doesn’t have any money?2024-08-30T17:59:02-05:00

First off, becoming a Piqosity Partner school doesn’t cost any money, just a 30-minute meeting to confirm eligibility.

But for all of your classmates who could benefit from your school buying Piqosity for them in the future—your school almost certainly has money because Piqosity falls under the super important category of “college and career readiness,” which is usually one of the most important measurements for a high school.

However, depending when you ask, they may not have money “this year” if they already allocated their budget.

And maybe they are just flat out broke! But that’s not your problem, and we can even assist them in securing grants to use for Piqosity they may not have even previously known about.

Does the Piqosity Partner program cost my school anything?2024-08-30T18:00:43-05:00

No, schools do not have to pay any money to become Piqosity Partners. They just have to attend a 30-minute meeting to confirm eligibility.

Is my school already a Piqosity Partner?2024-08-29T17:28:22-05:00

We don’t currently publish a list of all partner schools and their discount codes. Therefore you’ll need to ask your school if they:

  • Already pay for Piqosity for some or all students
  • Or have a discount code for you to make a self purchase

The best person to ask is your college counselor, assistant principal in charge of your grade or overall principal.

By |2024-09-09T13:42:10-05:00September 9th, 2024|Piqosity News|

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About the Author:

Shelby Joe 周 is the Founder of Piqosity. He has more than 20 years of experience in education as an entrepreneur, professor, and tutor. Shelby earned his BA in Political Science from Rice University. Born and raised in Mississippi, he now resides in Houston but has also lived in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hamburg.

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