Kannan has been burning the midnight oil and the fruits of his labor are impressive. As of today, we now have the ability to upload and administer assessments with passage-based questions (PBQ). These are everybody’s favorite kind of question – usually there’s a passage or some sort of data followed by several questions that refer back to the passage. Passage-based questions are unique versus stand-alone questions because the questions must be linked to the passage and can never be separated.

Passage Based Question for the ISEE Upper Level

For those of you following our progress on uploading 10 full-length practice tests for the ISEE, SAT, and ACT, you’ll notice that we haven’t uploaded anything in reading type tests. Now that will all change.

Check out this sample passage and quiz for the Upper Level ISEE Reading Comprehension test.

Here’s How to Upload a Passage-Based Question

Creating a passage-based question is very similar to a stand-alone question.

  1. Log-in
  2. In the green nav bar, click on “Questions”
  3. In the top right, click on “New Question”
  4. The “Normal Question” tab is highlighted in green; click on “Passage Question”
  5. Select your course, topic, and sub-topic
  6. Input your passage
  7. Click on “Add Question”
  8. Complete the required fields for each question you want to add and Save
  9. Add as many questions as you like
  10. Save the passage and its related questions

Known Limitations

So just like all of Piqosity, PBQs are a work in progress. Here are some known limitations.

  1. Once you save a PBQ, you cannot edit it. Your only recourse is to delete it and try again.
  2. There’s no line numbering for passages. If you must have line numbers, upload your passage as a screen grab image from a text editor that has the line numbers.
  3. When using PBQs in assessments, you can only assign one sub-topic for the passage and all its related questions. For example, the analytics will not be able to tell you that your student performed poorly on main idea questions versus vocabulary questions. We suggest putting this information in the question tags until we expand this functionality.
